Archive for the ‘Retrospective’ Category

As I digested my daily dose of economic, sports, and technology news earlier this month, one specific article caught my eye and immediately brought me back to my first days living in London circa 2004.  I remember distinctively those early days in London, every morning as I was leaving my apartment, the first thing my […]

When I first moved to London in 2004, that initial shock of everyone speaking English (the Queen’s!), and not the one you’re used to from back in the states, took me a little off guard.  I did have to ask the occasional Scot to slow down and speak again, or for someone to rephrase the […]

Over the course of three days from last Wednesday to Friday, the Osmosoft office in Soho was overrun by members of the TiddlyWiki community. This ensemble had been gathered together to 1.) celebrate the third anniversary of the creation of TiddlyWiki 2.) introduce the TiddlyWiki community to the Osmosoft team and 3.) invite the wider […]

Update: Once you’re done reading the below, see part two, where the collection agency gets involved… If you ever are looking at health clubs in the UK, DO NOT JOIN LA FITNESS. I’ve just ended a roller-coaster customer experience with them, and wanted to share my horror story. After originally signing up to a one-year […]

So with my second sailing experience behind me, and two weeks of recovery post all the physical exhaustion and mental trauma, I’m still giddy with the enjoyment in being challenged so severely and only being able to just barely get by.  If you can’t tell already, I’m a fairly confident person in most everyday interactions: […]